Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Funnel Cake Sticks from Burger King. Almost the real thing. Most exciting thing today!

Also almost as exciting as the real thing, the 2006 BBC version of Jane Eyre movie. Total loss of character developement, embellishments that were just weird, and all sorts of incongruent details that distracted from the actual plot. Yes, I understand that for adaptation into a visual medium requires changing and shortening scenes, but at the expense of the integrity of the story? I feel the same way about the Kira Knightly Pride & Prejudice.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Flower pot cake

For Christmas this year, my grandma gave me a flower pot cake pan. I love to bake, to decorate, to create! So, I made the cake on Tuesday night out of a yellow cake mix (it just makes things easier) and spent and hour or so on Wednesday frosting it. This may have been the very first time my frosting has turned out basically perfectly! I was so well pleased with it that I may even proclaim myself a competent frosting maker again.

The last thing I need at my apartment is a whole cake, so I took it to school and forced it on other people. Luckily, it was a big hit. I was told by several people that I can bring cake anytime. I may have to now!

Pictures as follows...

Monday, January 4, 2010

The New Year

Hello, 2010.

I recently watched two movies which inspired me to blog and to read. So, I think I will read and blog about what I read along with other things that happen in my life. Should be pretty boring, but will hopefully help to keep me a little more sane than I was in 2009.

Here we go!