Thursday, March 18, 2010

Same song come back again.

Here's the flower pot cake made for the lady who gave it to me! We had a fun birthday breakfast with her the Saturday after. You can see Johnny was there too!

Grandma took the cake over the table at one point in the day, and she stumbled a little, and it looked like the cake was going down. Grandpa and I both reached and gasped, but good old Granny had it all under control. We laughed about it, but it was tense for a moment!

The colors turned out pretty cool since the pink didn't mix into the purple completely. The purple flowers have a bit of a pink splotchy quality. I liked it though and thought it added character.
I didn't really get the green to be two different shades, but it still turned out. I don't like the petal outlining, but the center stars turned out better this way than the other way. Give and take!

I used a strawberry box cake this time, which was delicious. My hand got a little tired by the time I put the words on, so it isn't my best work. That, and I was taping myself for youtube so I had some stage anxiety. Also, something funky happened with the frosting. I'm still not sure.

I really liked the color of the pot on this one. It was harder to do the pot frosting since the consistency was off, but it looks fine.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Table for One

Here is my favorite part of being single. Dinner. Not that I don't think "oh, I have no one to take me out to a nice restaurant, or even a super sketchy dive of a restaurant..." because I totally do. No, my favorite dinner is at home. My favorite part of it is that I can eat whatever I want.

Here are some things I've eaten for dinner that if I had a husband or children I wouldn't (and probably shouldn't) have.

1. Hot dogs with mustard and avocado. I know, sounds so gross, but maybe like it would be good. It is good. Nay, it is DELICIOUS!

2. Tortilla strips chips with chocolate chips as I waited for my cheese pizza to bake. Salt and sweet followed by a saucy/cheesy/carb loaded chaser? Yes please!

3. Three different kinds of cereal (the cheap brand equivalents of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Blueberry Muffin Top, and Cap'n Crunch with Crunch Berries). Popcorn for dessert.

4. Chicken Taquitos dipped in garlic dip (the kind for chips) and baby carrots.

These are just a few. Of course, every meal is accompanied by a pitcher of Crystal Light...and usually not a flavor that would compliment.

Here is some pasta... Penne noodles, alfredo sauce, olives, tomato, cucumber, onion, maybe chicken (I can't remember now!). Yum.