Sunday, February 28, 2010

"I wish I had two hours to spend on that!"

Yes, this statement makes one feel really great about their life, or lack there of. In fact, it is pretty much a twist of the "oh yeah, you don't have a husband, or kids, or any serious commitment in your life" knife that's already sticking awkwardly ('cause really, how else could that knife stick?) out of your chest. The same chest that houses that big heart which encouraged you to do whatever cool thing no one else had time to do. Case in point: Happy Birthday friends at work!
It isn't like this was even very hard, or that I did a really spectacular job. I mean, I was proud of them, and they turned out really nicely, but seriously. A simply, "wow, great work!" is sufficient. Save the "You must have a lot of time on your hands..." comments for when I accomplish world peace, or cure cancer, or actually write a lesson plan. Then I will not be disheartened by those comments.

1 comment:

  1. Did you put those smashed glass beads around the bottom of her skirt? That's pretty clever. Also, if you like to look at cake wreaks, then check out she's funny, and snarky. I think those cakes are very nice, and you should be proud.
