Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Birthday, Miranda!

Randi and Renae turned 21 this year. I thought, for a very brief moment, that the "coming of age" year would bring some refinement and maturity to my dear sisters. Not so.

"Bugs get mad, Bugs get strong! Arrrg!"

Randi and I celebrated her birth by going to Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle, then out to dinner in Tukwila at Azteca the weekend before her birthday.

Two of kind, that Randi and Renae. Though, Renae is looking a little hairy these days...
Meerkats: So Cute!
Ah yes, the hippos.
This guy came right up to the glass to give Randi a birthday wish.

1 comment:

  1. right a little movie of me eating chips is what the internet needs. thanks for that.
